Signs of the Prophets
God/Allah has sent the prophets to earth to show us the straight path. In our fallen humanity, we were unable to sustain a vital spirituality, that ensured we stayed in close relationship with God. Allah says that he has made the signs clear for thinking men!’[1] (Surah 6:126).
The Qur’an states that some prophets left us signs to guide us on the straight path. This study will highlight the message of those prophets, and the signs Allah gave to them (Surah 7:26). Further on in Surah 7:37a; Allah gives a stern warning: ‘Who is more wicked than him who invents a lie about Allah or who rejects his signs.’ It is important that we study, know and understand the signs of Allah with all truthfulness. We all have a personal obligation to become students of God’s eternal Word and make our salvation sure and steadfast.
When the field of the unthinkable is expanded, and maintained for centuries in a particular tradition of thought, the intellectual horizons of reason are diminished, and its’ critical functions are narrowed, and weakened because the sphere of un-thought becomes more determinate, and there is little space left for the thinkable. Mohammed Arkoun.[2]
Let’s start a journey through the Prophets, and find out what Guidance God/Allah will provide for us from the prophets and their signs. Maybe, by the Mercy and Graciousness of Allah/God the unthinkable will be revealed to us by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God/Allah will help us in this pursuit of righteousness, Surah Al-Qadr (The Night of Decree) 97:1-5.
[1] Yusuf Ali’s translation interprets 6:126 – ‘those who receive admonition’; The Reference Qur’an – ‘those who remember’; Kaskas Safi – ‘The Quran’ – ‘to those who take them to heart’. George Sale’s translation – ‘those people who will consider’
[2] Arkoun, 2006. p 19

Story of Prophet Adam
“The garments of righteousness are the best”.
The story of Adam is found in the Tawrat in Genesis 3:1-21, and in the Qur’an in Surah (Al A’raf – The Heights) 7:11-27. In this Surah we read that Adam was created by Allah, and the angels were made to bow down to Adam. But one angel named ‘Iblis’ refused to bow. When asked why he did not bow down to Adam, he said; ‘I am better than Adam, he was made from clay but I was made from fire.’…Read More
Story of Prophet Jacob
The son of the Prophet Jacob saved Israel.
God created mankind with a purpose. From the beginning of time God has sent His prophets to remind mankind of this purpose. Each prophet was sent to remind mankind to worship God alone (Deuteronomy 6:4), and to abandon all false gods, and images and to depart from the evil practices listed in Leviticus chapters 18-20…Read More
Story of Prophet Moses (Musa)
The lamb’s blood saved our sons. – Exodus 12:7
Following the migration of Jacob to Egypt, Joseph settled his family in the land of Goshen. Moses’ father Amram, a descendant of Kehath, a Levite, married Jochebed, and they became the parents of Aaron and Miriam, Moses older brother and sister…Read More
Story of Jonah
Yunus (Jonah) was delivered from the stomach of a fish’
Yunus the apostle of Allah is highly esteemed in Islam as a prophet who delivered his messages, and his prayers were answered. Jonah is the only one of Judaism’s Twelve Minor Prophets in the Quran in surahs 21:87-88, 68:48. This story highlights the virtues of patience and trust in God’s plans and assures us that Divine assistance is always near…Read More
Story of Prophet Noah
“We bore their race on an ark”.
In Noah’s time the people of the earth were doing many very evil things. Allah was so upset, and disappointed at their wickedness, He regretted that He ever made mankind.
In Surah Ya Sin 36:41 it states: ‘Another sign for them (mankind) is that we carried their descendants in a loaded ship’. Noah is a prophet who reveals a sign of Allah to mankind. Allah wanted to save mankind…Read More
Story of Prophet Joseph
The son ‘left for dead’ saved a nation!
Joseph (Yusuf) grew up as the first-born son of Rachel his father’s second wife. He had one full-blood younger brother, Benjamin, and sadly Rachel died during his birth. Of Joseph’s 10 step brothers, six were born to Leah Jacob’s first wife, and 2 to each of Jacob’s concubines Bilhah and Zilpah…Read More
Story of Prophet Shuayb
‘Give just measure and weight, don’t cheat’.
The Prophet Shuayb, was the High Priest of the Midianites, an Arab tribe, known in the Tawrat as Jethro, and one of only four Arab prophets mentioned by name in the Qur’an. Scholars of the ancient Ancient Scriptures recorded him as the High Priest of the Midianite’s, a Kenite clan, who worshipped the True Creator. Only a few Midianites worshipped the Creator. Most were pagans worshipping created things. Jethro was also known as Reuel or Hobab in the Old Testament…Read More
Story of Prophet Zakariya
When Herod the Great was King of Judea there was a priest by the name of Zechariah. He was a member of the priestly order of Abijah, and his wife Elizabeth was from the priestly line of Aaron. Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth were righteous in the Lord’s sight, and careful to obey all the commands and ordinances of the Lord blamelessly. (Luke1:5-6)…Read More
The Prophet Abraham
“We ransomed him with a great sacrifice”.-Eid Al Adha
Abram who lived 4,000 years ago, was born in Mesopotamia. His name meant ‘exalted father’ and later his name was changed to Abraham meaning ‘father of a multitude’. In the Tawrat – Genesis 12:1-3 Allah called Abram to go forth from his country, and to start a new nation free from idolatry. Allah made a covenant with Abram that if he obeyed this calling he would become a blessing to all the families of the earth…Read More
Story of Lot (Lut)
‘The Angels grasped his hand and led him to safety’.
Lut was the nephew of Ibrahim, and migrated from Haran to Canaan. Both Ibrahim and Lut prospered until their herds and flocks were too many for the land. Lut chose the well-watered land in Canaan up the Jordan River, and Ibrahim the land to the south. (Genesis 13: 6-13). Lut’s choice included a city of wicked people. Allah/God used this as a prophetic sign for all people. …Read More
Story of David
‘We gave David the Zabur (Pslams)’.
Dāwūd دَاوُوْد, was entrusted with Our revelation as well as a righteous, divinely-anointed monarch of the United Kingdom of Israel. Additionally, David (Dāwūd)) the shepherd was a young man of strong faith. He expressed his love for Allah through poems, songs of praise and worship…Read More